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10 Signs You Need a Bookkeeper

  1. You’re having trouble finding the time to get the bookkeeping done on your own and you’ve fallen more than one month behind.
  2. You don't know whether you're turning a profit (or how much if you are) until you file your tax return.
  3. You haven't filed tax returns because you have a year or more of recordkeeping to catch up on.
  4. You are paying bills late and getting hit with late fees (or fraying relationships with your suppliers) because you just got too busy and forgot, or just don’t have the time.
  5. You wait a l-o-n-g time to send invoices to your clients because it's so time consuming and tedious.
  6. You're getting tax notices (interest and penalties) for late payroll or HST tax payments, or missing tax returns.
  7. You want to get a business loan, but are not sure if your financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) are accurate or up to date, or how to make sense of them.
  8. You've overdrawn your bank account more than a few times in the last few months, and are paying hefty bank service charges because of it.
  9. You're making sales but the money seems to go out just as fast as it comes in, and you don't know where it's going.
  10. You have a bunch of paper receipts in a shoe box and don’t know what to do with them or if it's safe to throw them away or not.